Saxon Wood School caters for pupils aged 2 to 11 years who have a moderate, severe or profound learning difficulty. Many children at Saxon Wood also have associated physical, medical and social communication needs.
Informal Visit
Prospective parents will initially make an informal visit. An appointment to do this should be made with the Head Teacher. Parents may visit on their own or with others (professionals or friends) if desired. The format of the visit is usually as follows:
- Brief description of the school by the Head Teacher
- Opportunity for parents to ask questions
- Tour of school, to include time in at least one classroom
- Final questions
Referral to the School
Referrals requesting a place for a child must come through the Special Educational Needs Service based in the Education Department at Winchester.
Following a referral, the Head Teacher will consider the reports and talk to other professionals involved. If there is doubt about whether a child would be appropriately placed at Saxon Wood, further discussion with the SEN Service may be required.
Before Starting School
What happens after a place has been offered at Saxon Wood depends on the age of the child and where the child is currently placed. Pre-school children are expected to make a series of informal visits to the nursery with a parent. School aged children will have one or more visits to the appropriate class. Staff from Saxon Wood will also liaise with other professionals involved.
A pre-admission meeting will be organised to enable a range of staff to meet with the child and their parents, enabling information to be shared. The admission date will be set following this meeting.
Parents are sent the parents' booklet, various forms and an ‘All About Me’ booklet to fill in prior to admission.
Parents are also expected to attend an intake meeting. This is a further opportunity for parents and all agencies to share information with each other to ensure that the pupil’s start at Saxon Wood is as smooth and successful as possible.
SEN Hampshire
Children's Services Department
Hampshire County Council
Elizabeth II Court North
The Castle
SO23 8UG
TEL: 01329 316165