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Pupil Progress & Assessment


For our children on the EYFS and Sensory pathways, their learning is captured and reviewed using Earwig - an online evidence platform.  Through Earwig, we are able to record evidence which shows progress towards: key outcomes for the Pathway, EHCP outcomes and PDP targets.  

Earwig is linked to the DEYO (Differentiated Early Years Outcomes) and Saxon Wood Small Steps. These are the assessment frameworks that we use to monitor the progress of children on the EYFS and Sensory pathways.

LSAs and teachers add observations to Earwig whenever a quality interaction or piece of work that demonstrates a child's progress or a new skill has been achieved.  Teachers reflect on these observations on a weekly basis to ensure they are maximising opportunities for our students to learn and progress, and to ensure the evidence on Earwig is clear, concise and shows progress towards targets / outcomes.

Assessment for Learning

Assessment for students on the Enquiry and Discovery pathway happens formatively through assessment for learning strategies (AFL), verbal feedback and live marking. The children's work is regularly reviewed and marked with next steps given for the children to understand where their learning is heading and for the teacher to plan accordingly for subsequent lessons.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment takes place three times a year in Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2 to monitor the progress a child has made towards the outcomes in their learning pathways. For children on the EYFS and Sensory pathways, they will be assessed on:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design

Children on the Enquiry and Discover pathways will be assessed in:

  • English
  • Phonics
  • Maths

All teachers will then review the overall progress that the children and class have made and report this to SLT. Pupil Progress Meetings are then held between the class teacher and the Headteacher. 

Statutory Assessment

The following statutory assessments will be completed for the children who are able to access it. Where a child cannot access it they will be disapplied:

  • Reception Baseline
  • Phonics Screening


External moderation of individual pupil targets is carried out with other special schools across the county.